Basic Information:
Name: | Atta ur Rahman Chohan | Gender: | Male | Birthday: | Dec 25 |
Personal Information:
Marital Status: | Married | Interests: | reading, writing, traveling and join social gathering | About Me: | عام شہری ہوں، لکھنے پڑھنے کا شوق ہے۔ روزنامہ جموں کشمیر مظفرآباد۔۔ اسلام آباد میں مستقل کالم لکھتا ہوں۔ مقصد صرف یہی ہے کہ ایک پاکیزہ معاشرے کی تشکیل میں جو حصہ ڈال سکوں، اس کی کوشش جاری رکھوں |
Contact Information:
Mobile: | [Please login to view detail] | Email: | [Please login to view detail] | Website: | www.facebook.com/atta ur rahman.chohan |
University: | University of AJK Passed in 1992 | College: | Govt. College Bagh AJK Passed in 1977 | School: | Govt. High School Bagh AJK Passed in 1976 |
Work Information:
Company: | Kashmir Builders | Position: | Chief Executive | Description: | Housing Scheme Developer | City: | Islamabad | Country: | Pakistan |
Updates: We have made some updates in MyPage to control its better performance. Currently we have removed the service of Sharing/Liking, Sharing with friends and Comments area. Gradually, HW will do more updates to improve MyPage overall experience for ultimate users. |