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 Basic Information:
Name:Syed Abid Gillani
 Personal Information:
Interests:I am blessed that in the past 25 years, I have been part of Pakistan’s major political and social efforts one way or the other. I have worked closely with many of the top leaders of our country and can understand the DNA of our political and social elite. I have witnessed religion being used as a tool for personal glory and politics being considered as a mode to ensure the status quo. I have seen conspiracies being hatched and peoples’ rights being usurped in the dark. I have shared the despair and anger among the underserved people of my country and have worked with honest and tireless friends during the time of earthquake and floods in Pakistan.

I also cherish my interaction with Pakistanis around the world looking forward to their motherland become sovereign and prosperous and with others wondering why a land possessing everything imaginable on earth is lagging so far behind. I believe in the bright future for Pakistan and in the fact that this future is in no one else’s hands – it is in our hands.

Isn’t it the time for me, for you, for all of us to raise our voice, start spreading the truth and play our part as “WE” – only “WE” – shall be held responsible for any eventualities, may those be good or bad? I am an optimist and believe that collective conscience once brought to the fore can move mountains. Only our collective wisdom, collective voice and collective effort can bring about a change; no leader will emerge to help us by itself unless we make ourselves capable and eligible for this change.

I’ll keep sharing my thoughts – from the bottom of my heart – with you and hope that you’ll join in this struggle, at whatever level, in whichever way you can. Together, we can break these vicious circles (dairay)!

Enjoy reading and do share your thoughts with me at [email protected].
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